A woman’s stunning transformation from a tomboy to a more feminine style has gone viral, garnering mixed reactions from social media users. The lady, identified as @cxx_shushan on TikTok, shared a video showcasing her transformation, with photos of her former tomboy look and her new feminine style.
The video caption reads, “POV: When I thought being a tomboy was the best.” The transformation sparked a heated debate, with some users praising her new look, calling her beautiful, while others appreciated her confidence and beauty in both styles.
M.Elesh Beauty| HAIR VENDOR💗 said: “You’re so pretty.”
@Da_N🎃🥰 said: “Make I no talk.”
@ℹCEJOSH said: “Don’t do that again.”
@Omo Adefi🩸 said: “Baggy don dy expensive.”
@Irezy Official said: “You think say e dey easy to be man.”
@Cruiz said: “She don visit man hood. D life style no easy. Na only u go Dey for ur sef as a man. Nobody go help u.”
@KoredeFrmDaWic⚡️🎚️ said: “That time wey you still dey do tomboy, guys dey paste you like that?”