A devastating video has surfaced, showing renowned broadcaster Alhaji Oriyomi Hamzat desperately trying to control the massive crowd at the scene of the tragic Ibadan stampede incident. The emotional footage captures Hamzat, visibly shaken and tearful, as he attempts to rescue a child trampled in the chaos.
Eyewitnesses recount that the stampede occurred before the event even began, as eager attendees surged into the venue without adequate security personnel to manage the crowd. Despite Hamzat’s urgent pleas for the crowd to disperse, via his radio platform and in person, his warnings fell on deaf ears.
The event, intended to bring joy and provide scholarships and gifts to children aged 0-13, tragically turned into a disaster. The Ibadan stampede incident has resulted in murder charges being brought against the organizers, including Queen Naomi and Alhaji Oriyomi Hamzat.