Mabel Makun, the estranged wife of comedian and actor AY Makun, recently laid her mother, Mrs. Rose Temietan Eyesan Nwanegbu, to rest. While the exact date of her mother’s passing was not disclosed, the burial took place at the Garden Ikoyi in Lagos.
A video shared on social media captured the solemn event, with Mabel dressed in black and surrounded by family and friends.
However, online reactions sparked curiosity and criticism, with many pointing out the absence of AY Makun at the funeral. Several netizens shared their thoughts:
@elny_20: “And AY is doing nonsense with many on social media. Tueh.”
@Marywiththefoambreast: “Sorry Mabel, and Mary is all over AY already.”
@Iomoge: “So AY didn’t attend?”
@Belinda__: “This is the time she needs her husband’s support the most. AY did her dirty.”
@Beau_Fullybaby: “And that Mary is busy going around with her husband. Mary na Ogun go kill you las last.”
@Yullovesjudy: “So Mabel was in a state of mourning, yet AY was doing that nonsense with May in the name of movie promotion, not considering Mabel’s mental health. Take heart, Queen.”
The video continues to circulate online, sparking further conversations about AY Makun’s absence.