Biola Bayo, a proud Nollywood actress and mother, has taken to social media to celebrate her daughter’s impressive academic achievement. Toluwanimi Fagbemi, Biola’s daughter, has earned a remarkable CGPA of 2.99 at Ilaro Polytechnic.
Biola shared screenshots of her daughter’s examination results on Instagram, expressing her gratitude to God and everyone who has supported Toluwanimi’s educational journey. She praised her daughter for making her proud and prayed for her to finish well.
Biola’s heartfelt post reads: “My baby’s CGPA is now 2.99 after her 2nd-semester exams. Thank you, Jesus!… You will finish well in Jesus’ name. Thank you, everyone; I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Fans and followers have flooded the comment section with congratulatory messages, commending Biola for her dedication to her daughter’s education.