A devastating incident has shaken the community in Owerri, Imo State, after a housemaid lost her life following a brutal beating by her employer. The tragic event has sparked widespread outrage and calls for justice.
According to eyewitnesses, the housemaid, whose identity has not been disclosed, was punished for watching television with her employer’s children. The punishment turned violent, resulting in the young girl’s death.
A viral video shared on social media shows the employer, a nursing mother, being confronted by angry neighbors who demand justice for the deceased. The neighbors label her a “wicked and vile woman” as she stands surrounded by the community.
The video has ignited a firestorm of condemnation, with many Nigerians expressing their outrage and horror at the brutal treatment of the housemaid. The incident has also raised concerns about the mistreatment and abuse of domestic staff in Nigeria.
As of now, the police have not released an official statement regarding the incident. However, the online community is demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of the employer.
See the video