Veteran Nollywood actor Jide Kosoko is celebrating his daughter, Shola Kosoko’s 45th birthday with a sweet and heartfelt message. Taking to Instagram, Jide congratulated his “mini-me” on her special day, praising her consistency and focus.
He wrote, “Omo mi Ayinke, Congratulations on your birthday… Almighty God knows why he created you like this; your consistency and focus remain my source of happiness… you are indeed a good example of slow and steady wins in the race.”
Jide affectionately called Shola his “golden daughter” and prayed for God’s continued guidance and blessings in her life.
Shola, who also took to Instagram to mark her birthday, shared photos of herself and requested prayers from her fans and followers. She wrote, “Hurray, it’s my birthday. Kindly say a word of prayer for me… I bless the name of God. Happy 45th birthday to me, myself and I.”
Friends and colleagues, including Regina Chukwu and Jamiu Azeez, have sent birthday wishes to Shola, celebrating her special day.