Nollywood actor Zubby Michael has showered praise on Davido, describing him as an angel because of his generous nature. During an appearance on the “Curiosity made me ask” show hosted by Isbae U, Zubby revealed that Davido gave him his first private jet experience, leaving him thrilled.
Zubby expressed his admiration for Davido’s selfless acts, stating that the singer is destined to help others. He said, “That’s why he’s OBO Davido, he’s not a human being, he’s an angel. No matter what, he can’t stop helping people, he’s destined to be doing those things.”
Zubby’s comments have sparked a wave of reactions from netizens, with many echoing his sentiments about Davido’s kind heart. Some fans have even gone as far as calling Davido a “mini god” and a “man after God’s heart.”