A viral video of a heavily pregnant woman, allegedly carrying quadruplets, struggling to climb a flight of stairs has left social media users divided. The expecting mother, known as @guddiee7 on TikTok, shared a glimpse of her challenging pregnancy journey, showcasing her determination and strength.
In the video, the woman is seen making a tremendous effort to climb the stairs, breathing heavily and leaning on the bannister for support. Despite her struggles, she perseveres and eventually reaches her destination.
check out some comments
One user, ify@judith, commented, “Guddiee, you always alone, you need help, where is your man nau”
Another user, Preciousss , joked, “sue anybody including us the viewers just sue
💎 Preshy Godwin 💎❤️ commented, “I don’t believe this anymore.”
David Chidex said, “Omo women dey try shaa 😇”
Fearless_D great added, “God bless all mothers.”
Martha 🤗 saying, “I just hope this pregnancy is true ooo hmmm.”
click the link to watch the video