A trailer driver, identified as Ali Emmanuel Nnamdi, has allegedly stolen 900 bags of Golden Penny Classic Flour and disappeared. According to a post shared on social media, the driver disabled two trackers on the truck and switched off his phones to avoid detection.
The incident occurred around Abakaliki, and the police are now involved in the search for the driver. The post included the driver’s name and a contact number, urging anyone with information to come forward.
The theft has sparked a heated discussion online, with many expressing their thoughts and concerns. Some have questioned how the driver was able to locate and disable the trackers, suggesting that someone within the company may have tipped him off.
Others have criticized the driver’s decision to steal, pointing out that the proceeds may not be worth the risk and potential consequences. The incident has also raised concerns about the effectiveness of security measures in place to prevent such thefts.
The search for the driver is ongoing, and it remains to be seen whether he will be caught and brought to justice.