Social media activist, Vincent Martins Otse, popularly known as Verydarkman, has shared his thoughts on the ongoing divorce drama between 2Baba and Annie Idibia. The couple’s separation has sparked a heated debate, with many celebrities and fans taking sides.
Verydarkman began by stating that 2Baba was a “red flag” from the start, given his history of having children with different women. Despite this, Annie chose to marry him and have children with him. Verydarkman questioned why women often seem drawn to “bad boys” like 2Baba.
He also criticized Annie, calling her a “red flag” as well. Verydarkman believes that the couple was never meant to be together and that their marriage was doomed from the start.
The social media activist then turned his attention to the women who are slamming 2Baba for his decision to leave the marriage. Verydarkman asked if they would have preferred 2Baba to stay in an unhappy marriage and potentially harm himself. He specifically called out Toke Makinwa, who had promised to support Annie through the divorce.
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