Nollywood actress and producer, Funke Akindele, has left fans and followers in awe with her touching tribute to rising star, Layi Wasabi. The actress took to her Instagram page to celebrate Layi, praising his unique gift and perspective.
Funke Akindele’s post read: “Olayiwola mi, you have a unique gift, a perspective that the world needs. Go for it!!! The Lord has your back and I’ve got yours too!!! Love you Son.”
The heartfelt message has generated a flurry of reactions, with fans and colleagues praising Funke Akindele for her kindness and generosity. Many have commended her for being a supportive and nurturing figure in the entertainment industry.
Layi Wasabi, whose real name is Isaac Olayiwola, is a talented social media content creator who has made a name for himself in the Nigerian digital content creation industry. He has recently ventured into Nollywood, earning accolades for his performances.
Funke Akindele’s tribute to Layi Wasabi is a testament to her commitment to supporting and empowering young talent in the entertainment industry. Her kind words have not only warmed hearts but have also inspired others to follow in her footsteps.
As one fan commented, “The way lafunky dey support young talents is top-notch. God bless you ma’am.” Another fan added, “It’s always the caption . Thanks for always being so supportive to those you really care about.”
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