A woman recently shared a distressing video on social media, showing how her carefully saved money had decayed due to mold growth. The lady, visibly emotional, displayed the ruined notes of various denominations, which had been stored in a savings box.

The video sparked a wave of reactions, with many users offering words of comfort and advice on how to prevent similar situations in the future. Some suggested using high-interest savings apps, such as PiggyVest, or ensuring proper ventilation and storage conditions to prevent moisture buildup.
@Shanique Gyles said: “Me never see money get rusty”
@The most heartlessgirl 😒 wrote: “Not me planning to buy saving box tomorrow and seeing this now eweh what should one do to avoid this please 🥺”
@Cynthia commented: “next time use a high interest saving app like piggyvest”
@Violet🦋💜 wrote: “U no put pin😒Next time put safety pin”
@JLo asked: “how much way u save way dy make u cry so?”