A hilarious video has surfaced online, showcasing actress Bimbo Ademoye’s angry reaction to a prank orchestrated by her lover, VJ Adams. In the video shared by Kraks TV, VJ Adams calls Bimbo, claiming he’s secured a job in Canada that requires him to expose sensitive body parts for a whopping $1 million.
Bimbo’s response is priceless, as she dismisses the offer, prioritizing her lover’s dignity over the lucrative deal. Her anger escalates when VJ Adams mentions an alternative clause, prompting her to raise her voice and threaten to inform “Alhaja” about his behavior.
The prank takes a surprising turn when VJ Adams reveals the truth, leaving Bimbo relieved and amused. The video has sparked a mix of reactions online, with many praising Bimbo’s fiery personality and others admiring VJ Adams’ clever prank.