A heartwarming video has surfaced online, showcasing the beautiful bond between actresses Aisha Lawal and Kiekie at comedian Kamo State’s wedding ceremony. The clip captures their undeniable chemistry and deep friendship, leaving many in awe.
At the star-studded wedding, Aisha Lawal and Kiekie, both from Ibadan, Oyo State, displayed their strong connection, creating one of the standout moments. In the video, Kiekie was seen generously spraying bundles of N500 notes on Aisha Lawal, who was beaming with joy.
As the generosity continued, Aisha Lawal eventually told Kiekie to stop, appreciating her kind gesture. The touching moment was sealed with a hug, as Aisha Lawal affectionately referred to Kiekie as “Aburo mi, Otito now.”
jolaobi: First person on earth to say “O ti to Jor” to money… dis woman name must enter world record 😂😂😂.
miss.d.inspired: Did she just say it’s enough 😮 God abeg o😂😂😂😂😂.
fabtee_empire: Aunty Aisha is an embodiment of contentment 💕💘.
olaniyanharike: Oti toh jo for we wey understand what is going on there it shall be well with us all 😂.
posh_rainbow: My love for aunty Aisha! Otito jor😂.